Help girls change Kenya

For Women’s Day, we wanted to empower women through education.

Over the years, Kenya has made significant progress in gender parity in education. Despite this progress, traditional ideas about women restrict their access to university. Most families can’t pay for their children’s education; and as a patriarchal society, they prioritize boys’ education when having financial problems.


We want to give Kenyan girls the chance to continue their studies and change their society for the better. Because having more women in leadership positions boosts the economy and enriches the countries.

This initiative is supported by The South Face, an NGO that supports girls in Kenya without resources to go to university. Together, we have designed the Kenya notebook, because an educated sisterhood will lead to a stronger society. Funds raised from the sale will be donated to this NGO. Of what is collected from each notebook, half is contributed by your purchase and the other half by laagam.

Now we can say we are changing Kenya together.